14. Shell and environment variables

Shell and environment variables

Let see what more we can do with the Shell.

Use the workspace below the video to practice the commands and remember to practice locally in your computer too.

Ud206 017 Shell P11 - Variables

## Workspace

You can use this workspace to test your commands.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.

Shell or environment?

Do you think the PWD variable is a shell variable or an environment variable?

(Don't know what it is? Try echo $PWD.)

SOLUTION: Environment variable

Display two variables


Write a shell command using echo that displays the contents of the variables LOGNAME and PWD with a space between them.
Note: In Git bash in Windows you won't get the result from LOGNAME variable because it doesn't exist, try using the command whoami instead.


These answers need to be solved by yourself, I believe you can do it


The Shell commands can be installed or not on your computer if you are using Linux or Mac and you have issues running the commands check the documentation specifically for the Operating System.